Recently, GenConnect, the provider of our old message boards, joined forces with Rootsweb and in order to
keep this service free to you, the researchers. This change is a mixed blessing: unsettling
because everything looks so different, but encouraging because of the greatly increased
amount of information available to you. The new search engine is already in place and ready
to work for you. This is a search engine for a massive, world-wide database, so maybe the
following pointers from Rootsweb will help you to narrow your search.
Enclose a phrase or search string in quotation
marks to find messages containing certain words in a certain order. The keyword(s)
Worthington Hills Cemetery will find messages containing Worthington, or Hills, or
Cemetery. Adding the BOOLEAN quotation marks to the search string, "Worthington Hills
Cemetery", will return only messages in which that exact phrase appears.
A plus sign (+) in front of a word means that
word must be in pages for them to be a match. For example, Obituary +Thompson will return
only messages containing the word, obituary, that ALSO contain the word, Thompson.
A minus sign (-) in front of a word means that
any page that has that word is excluded from the list of matches. For example, "Morgan
County" -Roberts will return messages containing the phrase "Morgan County", that DO
NOT contain the word, Roberts.